Homocysteine (pronounced homo-sis-teen) is a breakdown product of a substance called methionine, itself derived from protein in the diet. Homocysteine helps to build and maintain tissues in the body, but in excess, has the capacity to injure the lining of the arteries in the body. Many scientists believe that such damage in the vessel wall is the first step in the process in which cholesterol causes artery narrowing that is a common underlying factor in heart disease and stroke. In addition, homocysteine can thicken the blood too, an effect which is likely to increase the risk of these conditions as well as blood clots in the leg known as deep vein thromboses (DVTs). Recently, UK researchers published a study in the British Medical Journal that reviewed data from a total of 92 studies assessing the relationship between homocysteine levels and disease. The authors of this study concluded that there is indeed strong evidence to suggest that homocysteine is a causative factor in heart disease, stroke and DVT.
LOWERING HOMOCYSTEINE LEVELS To lower levels of homocysteine naturally, eat foods that are high in folic acid, such as fruits and vegetables. Spinach, asparagus and collard greens are some of the best sources of folic acid. VITAMIN B12 Increase your intake of vitamins B12 and B6. Vitamins B12 and B6 work in conjunction with folic acid to regulate your homocysteine levels. Vitamins B12 and B6 can be found in meats and dairy products, sucha as eggs, fish, chicken, beef and pork. You may need to take a supplement if you have a sever deficiency of these vitamins. If you have a condition such as Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome or pernicious anemia that cause a deficiency of these vitamins, you should get Vitamin B12 injections. Correcting harmful habits can also lower homocysteine levels. Smoking raises the homocysteine levels in your body by contributing to B12 deficiency, while alcohol raises homocysteine levels by causing a deficiency of folic acid. Avoiding coffee can also help lower homocysteine levels. Dr. Olaf, ND Kingston Wellness Clinic
I am a naturopath because I feel it serves the higher good
of humanity. I am a naturopath because I believe not only that my remedies are scientifically based in physiology, but because the remedies work. I am a naturopath because our training teaches us to be human not just doctors. It is powerful medicine. I have not been in traditional medical school so I don't know what it is like to be a medical doctor. I only know how my practice has been for me over the last 20 years. I know what works. I am constantly amazed at the healing power of nature/nurture/witnessing has in my practice. I would say that is the one most common comment people make to me is "thank you for listening, I feel like no one is listening to me". I won't bore you with all me 222 credits, but let's just say and trust that I am trained in counseling patients, I have been trained in death and dying; in disease psychology. I am most recently trained in the last two years in hypnotherapy. I teach people how to meditate, to relax, to get into their bodies, to take responsibility. Good Morning and happy spring. Wow! it's almost summer time the kids are out of school, the pool is open!
Time to renew your energy with B12 injections! Vitamin B12 is used in a number of very important reactions in you body to provide energy! I receive weekly B12 shots myself along with B complex. B12 is good for treating symptoms of allergies, fatigue, bone loss, muscle pain and insomnia! I give the injection IM (intramuscular) in the gluteus maximus (it will hurt less than the deltoid believe me). The best idea is to get the B12 shots once a week for 6-12 weeks. My staff also gets injections of vitamin B12 to maintain their energy. Give us a call today to schedule your injection today. $20 each injection. Allergy season is in full bloom! What do you do to control those allergy symptoms of runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes? There are many homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies for the relief of allergy symptoms. Allergies are caused by the immune systems overactiviting. Controlling that response is the key to decreasing symptoms. By building up your immune system with herbs and vitamins you can help you body heal from allergies. By balancing your body's natural hormones of cortisol and DHEA you can heal your allergies completely. I use many techniques , NAET, muscle response testing, as well as serum testing to find out what you are allergic too. Then we build up your body , control the stress , and heal from the inside out. It is really exciting to see people I treated last year not having allergy symptoms this year. Come see me and lets talk about your treatment. Get to the cause, treat the cause and feel better today.
Today one of our patients is getting treated with the RENUVASLIM LIPOLAZER!! So exciting to watch the fat melt away. The lipolazer is used 2 x a week ; 30 minute sessions in conjunction with diet and supplements to speed weight loss. This patient has lost 10 pounds in 20 days on our program!
Knee injections using Supartz can heal the knee and prevent or "hold off" replacement surgery.
Supartz is a natural substance, hyaluronic acid 11Mg/ml made from rooster combs. It is FDA approved. I have injected many knees and the benefits are wonderful. Over 90% of our patients noted a reduction in symptoms. Give me a call or stop in and I will be happy to explain the process of healing your knees. As always, treatment includes naturopathic nutritional counseling as well as herbal therapy. We have been doing large joint injections here at the clinic for over a year now. We have had really good success with joint injections relieving pain and actually rebuilding the joint. Of course, being a naturopath I don't just inject the joints. We go over diet with the patients, current meds, stressors, etc. I am constantly amazed at the healing power of the body when obstruction is removed! Yes, it is that easy..
I am fortunate to have treated many patients with low back pain and cervical strain as a result of MVA. These people get better, quicker with a multi faceted approach to healing. Our patients are educated patients and often remind me I didn't ask them about their water intake or their food today. See you soon! Dr. Olaf 360-297-0037 |